Co-Leadership: Pioneering a New Era of Agile and Collaborative Leadership

Photo of Selda Schretzmann
Selda Schretzmann
6 min. reading time

In today's dynamic work environment, co-leadership is emerging as a key approach for flexibility and agile leadership. At a time when agile leadership is indispensable, co-leadership challenges traditional leadership models and paves the way for new, collaborative methods. At the forefront of this development are Janina Schönitz and Stefanie Junghans, two visionary leaders.



Janina (left), with a decade of experience at Deutsche Bahn, leads the Sustainability and Environment department in strategy and reporting as a co-leader. Her career exemplifies the successful application of co-leadership in a large corporation.

Stefanie (right), with her extensive expertise in education, IT, and organizational development, completes the duo as the co-leader and Head of Talent at Haniel. Together, they demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of co-leadership.

Their book "Co-Leadership: Jobsharing als Antwort auf eine veränderte Arbeitswelt," (only available in German) which combines personal experiences and conversations with other co-leaders, highlights the importance of this leadership style in the modern workplace.

For more profound insights into their experiences and practical knowledge, our Agile Insights Conversation (in German) with Janina and Stefanie is highly recommended. This episode offers an exclusive perspective on the revolutionary impact of co-leadership in leadership culture.

Understanding Co-Leadership: The Shift from Solo to Duo

“For me, co-leadership is the optimal way to combine all the passions one carries.”

In the business world, co-leadership is more than a fleeting trend; it marks a fundamental shift in the understanding of leadership. This approach recognizes that the combination of two leaders who align in goals and values is often more effective than a single leader. A prime example of this is Janina and Stefanie. Their experiences in co-leadership roles demonstrate how a team of leaders with diverse strengths and perspectives can lead to more innovative and effective leadership.

The transition from an 'I' to a 'we' mentality in leadership implies not just a change in perspective; it signifies a profound transformation in organizational thinking. Modern workplaces, as complex networks of relationships and tasks, thrive through collaboration and collective intelligence.

Co-leadership focuses on developing a shared vision and tackling challenges together, rather than merely dividing tasks. This approach is crucial for the development of companies that are more agile, dynamic, and better equipped to meet the challenges of today's business world.

A closer look at Janina and Stefanie's journey reveals tangible examples of co-leadership in practice. They illustrate how bringing together different experiences leads to more robust decision-making and enhanced innovation. Their story teaches us that co-leadership can revolutionize the way organizations operate, making them more resilient and future-ready.

The Importance of Co-Leadership in Agile Environments: Synergy and Agility

“We work very successfully together and have a lot of fun doing it.”

This statement aptly describes the synergy of co-leadership in agile environments characterized by dynamism and adaptability. The co-leadership model thrives in this context by integrating diverse perspectives into decision-making, thereby enhancing the agile process.

Such leadership is essential for establishing a culture of shared responsibility. Especially in agile settings, where collaboration and iterative developments are central, co-leaders promote the continuous optimization of ideas and strategies. Teams under co-leadership often exhibit increased engagement, creativity, and resilience -- key qualities for tackling the challenges and complexities of agile environments.

In short, co-leadership serves as a catalyst for innovation and adaptability, perfectly aligning with the agile ethos and making work not only successful but also enjoyable.

Benefits of Co-Leadership: Multiplying Success

“In both our teams and the teams we lead, we have observed increased productivity and creativity.”

This practical insight highlights the positive impact of co-leadership on team dynamics and innovation. This leadership style fosters balanced and comprehensive decision-making -- the result of cooperation between leaders with diverse backgrounds and viewpoints.

Moreover, shared responsibility, a core aspect of co-leadership, promotes more effective stress management and fair workload distribution, leading to increased job satisfaction and reduced burnout risks.

The diversity of perspectives and strategies introduced by co-leadership creates an adaptable and resilient organizational culture. In a world full of uncertainties and rapid changes, developing such a culture is crucial for the long-term success of any organization.

Challenges and Considerations: Navigating New Waters

“It is essential to take time and be honest with yourself... You discover what is important to each person in their actions.”

Self-reflection is a crucial aspect of co-leadership, a journey with its set of challenges. These include balancing responsibility and maintaining effective communication, which can be particularly challenging in leadership models with multiple participants. However, these challenges are manageable.

The strength of co-leadership lies in its ability to create a dynamic environment that fosters creativity and innovation. This approach highlights diverse problem-solving skills that are increasingly valuable in the fast-paced and complex business world.

For co-leaders, it is essential to continuously adapt, learn, and practice self-reflection. This involves not only aligning goals but also harmonizing their approaches and strategies, a process that begins with honesty and an understanding of their values.

Effective co-leadership means growing together, overcoming challenges, and leveraging the individual strengths of each leader. It is a process that starts with self-awareness and leads to a powerful, collaborative dynamic.

Implementing Co-Leadership in the Organization: Communication is Key

“My core learning and my tip: communicate, communicate, communicate. Many question marks that arise can be quickly resolved through proactive action.”

A central tenet for the success of co-leadership in any organization is creating an environment that fosters open communication, trust, and shared values. A crucial step here is the clear definition of roles. Co-leaders must understand and respect the boundaries and strengths of their partnership to ensure a balanced leadership approach. Regular feedback is vital to maintain alignment and address issues promptly. A unified vision ensures that both leaders, despite different methods and perspectives, pursue common goals.

Transparent communication is the foundation of effective co-leadership. It is not only important for harmonizing the leaders but also ensures that the team and stakeholders are continuously informed and involved. This level of communication establishes a culture of openness and trust, which is crucial for navigating the complexity of shared leadership.

The approaches of Janina and Stefanie demonstrate how a culture rooted in open communication enables a co-leadership model to effectively address challenges and leverage the strengths of both leaders for the benefit of the organization. Their case study emphasizes the transformative power of proactive communication within the framework of co-leadership.

Companies Promoting Co-Leadership: Exemplary Leadership

The co-leadership model, applied by companies such as Capgemini and Bosch, demonstrates its effectiveness when thoughtfully implemented.

Capgemini practices co-leadership through shared roles, where leaders jointly manage teams and projects, enriching the decision-making process through the combination of individual strengths and diverse perspectives.

Bosch, on the other hand, splits individual management roles between multiple people. This approach reforms traditional leadership structures and promotes a dynamic, collaborative style of management and decision-making, effectively tackling complex challenges and fostering innovation.

These examples illustrate that co-leadership, when strategically planned and clearly communicated, can optimize decision-making, introduce diversity in perspectives, and support work-life balance. The success of these companies affirms the viability of co-leadership as a modern leadership model.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Co-Leadership

The experiences of Janina and Stefanie, supported by empirical evidence, signal a promising future for co-leadership. Far from being a fleeting trend, this model is establishing itself as an advanced approach in today's agile work environments. It marks the transition to a culture where collaboration and a shared vision are essential for innovative leadership dynamics.

In our roles as mentors of agile leadership, we must actively drive this change and create environments where co-leadership can be practically implemented. The future of co-leadership in agile contexts might include more integrated teams, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a constant feedback and learning loop that adapts to the fast pace and complexity of the modern business world.

As current or future leaders, we must ask ourselves how we can support this development. How do we prepare our teams and organizations for the collaborative and transformative power of co-leadership? The answers lie in our openness to change, commitment to lifelong learning, and vision of a workplace where shared leadership is the norm, fostering innovation and success.