Why Scrum?

Does this sound familiar? You and your team are working on a complex product. Especially in the beginning many things are unknown to you and you have to make assumptions and build on these assumptions. From how you design the product, e.g. which database is best suited, to assumptions about how the product will be accepted and used by customers and users. At the same time you know that the development of the whole product will take at least 1 year. But you cannot predict exactly how long, so you don’t know how far your budget will take you. You also do not know what the competition will bring to the market during this time and whether your product will even be in line with the market situation when it is released.
What would be ideal? It would be ideal if you could find out in regular iterations with your customer whether the developed product corresponds to his ideas and in which direction he wants it to be developed. Furthermore, it would be ideal if your customer could use part of the product, what is most important for him, before the whole product is finished.
How close to this ideal scenario do your current processes bring you? It’s not about what is written on paper and carefully presented in Gantt charts, but about really tangible results?
With Scrum to the solution!
As an agile – i.e. lively and adaptable – way of working, Scrum comes very close to the ideal scenario. In short cycles you and your product increments develop, which you can test for the assumptions you have made, e.g. acceptance and benefits by customers or technical feasibility. At the same time, you gain more control over your timeline and thus your budget.
Scrum makes transparent what in classic scenarios is either not obvious at all or only very late. Scrum does not solve any problems, but these are shown and can be explicitly addressed afterwards. Scrum teams work more efficiently and in higher quality, but more importantly, they work more effectively. This means that they do the right thing instead of just doing things right.
Scrum Trainings at Agile Academy
=> Find our upcoming scrum trainings for beginners and advanced levels.
Self-Paced Online Courses
=> Learn more about Scrum Foundations and Agile Fundamemntals with our online courses
Scrum Guide
=> Here ist the updated Scrum Guide for you