Agile100 September 2020 Recap

The Agile100 entered its fifth event round in September. Several hundred listeners from all over the world were present when the seven speakers of the september event presented their knowledge.
The topics ranged from business transformation to tips for start-ups, teams and superpowers, which the speakers presented in a great fashion.
The seven speakers presented the following:
- Greg Bernarda: „The Big Game: Designing & Transforming Ecosystems”
- Boris Radke: “Comms as Central Driver of Your Org Transformation”
- Antoinette Coetzee: “Observation – A Secret Superpower”
- Eric Engelmann: “Startup Agility: Creating Teams from Ground Up with Agile Values”
- Andrea Provaglio: “From Efficiency to Effectiveness”
- Marita Fridjhon: “Leading and Coaching From Relationship Systems Intelligence”
- Evelyn Tian: The Inspiration Trap”
Greg Bernarda: „The Big Game: Designing & Transforming Ecosystems”
The first speaker was Greg Bernarda. He spoke about the right approaches to business transformation and the profitable design of entrepreneurial ecosystems.
What sounds very complicated at first was brought to the point by Greg in his presentation, which was also impressively supported by practical examples ranging from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland to PIXAR.
Boris Radke: “Comms as Central Driver of Your Org Transformation”
Next was Boris Radke. His career alone, which after all includes Zalando and now Omio, was worth switching on. Like Zalando back then with “I can’t imagine anyone buying shoes online”, he now has a completely different line of business at Omio (travel) in which he works, but here too, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought far-reaching changes and upheavals.
In his presentation he described how he and his team are facing these difficult times and why openness is always at the top of his to-do list.
Antoinette Coetzee: “Observation – A Secret Superpower”
Antoinette Coetzee described in her session how important listening is and why one should observe above all else besides listening. Regardless of whether it is virtual conversations or personal face-to-face contacts: Observation plays a major role in understanding the other person.
Eric Engelmann: “Startup Agility: Creating Teams from Ground Up with Agile Values”
Eric Engelmann took direct advantage of the benefits of a remote conference. He literally joined the conference from nowhere (Cedar Rapids, Iowa). However, he showed that the Midwest in the USA has a lot to offer with the help of some exciting start-ups that he supports in business agility and which show that Iowa can do more than Quaker Oats oatmeal.
Here he gave very exciting insights into the companies and showed the positive results that would not have been possible without an agile mindset and approach.
Andrea Provaglio: “From Efficiency to Effectiveness”
Andrea showed that many individuals and companies have the wrong approach when it comes to achieving goals. In his session “From Efficiency to Effectiveness” he shows this with some examples and experiences.
Similar to the outcome / output discussion in the agile framework, his presentation also shows how fatal it can be if you focus on a supposedly wrong metric and overlook warnings.
Marita Fridjhon: “Leading and Coaching From Relationship Systems Intelligence”
In her session, Marita Fridjhon explained how strongly relationships of any kind affect a leader or the leadership of a person. With her Relationship Systems Intelligence, she demonstrated how leadership can be improved by focusing on what is most important.
Evelyn Tian: The Inspiration Trap”
With 20 years of experience in agile transformation and in the transformation strategy of large international companies, Agile Academy trainer Evelyn Tian has shown the biggest stumbling blocks that can cause a transformation to fail.
She distinguishes between the value stream, the value flow and the context. For example, she addressed the much-cited Spotify Model, which has been copied many times but never reached. Simply because the context is different for every company and you have to try to examine different perspectives to achieve a smooth value flow.
Next agile100 is on October 30th!
Already next Friday is the sixth Agile100. This event will of course be 100% remote and will once again welcome seven impressive agile experts. Certainly one of the most famous will be the Wall Street Journal bestselling author Michele Zanini, who will present from his book “Humanocracy”.
More agile100 recaps can be found here:
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Agile & Scrum Trainings
=> Take a look at our offering: Agile Academy trainings