How Limits Empower Your Agility

Diana Larsen showed in her lecture how to create a more agile working and living environment by consciously setting limits. The lecture was filled with breaks and thought exercises, through which the listeners should behave more consciously. Diana described in some examples and through playful learning that boundaries can have a very positive effect on teams and individuals because it makes them more creative and teaches them how to make the most of the boundaries they have set.
How Limits Empower Your Agility
Diana Larsen
Diana Larsen co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great; Liftoff: Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams; and Five Rules for Accelerated Learning. Through the Agile Fluency® Project’s model and its training/mentoring programs for agile coaches and consultants, Diana shares the wisdom she’s gained in over 30 years of working with leaders, teams, and organizations.
“If we stay in our comfort zone, we never learn anything new!”
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