Psychological Safety, Trust and the Cognitive Dissonance of Virtual Environments

A basic tenet of agility is responding to change, but what happens when the change is too overwhelming to cope with? What happens when the desire for psychological safety and team intelligence hits the reality of COVID-19, home office, and social distancing?
What happens when virtual boundaries endanger the social mores of decorum and politeness in human interaction? What happens when the rules of communication and trust vanish behind bandwidth issues? And what can you do about this?
Joseph Pelrine gave us a psychologist’s perspective on how to build trust and psychological safety in a virtual working environment at the Agile100 event in june 2020.
Love in the Time of Corona – Psychological safety, trust, and the cognitive dissonance of virtual environments
More about Joseph Pelrine
“We don’t make mistakes, we learn. The only mistake is not learning from our experiences.”
One of the world’s most experienced experts in Agile methods, Joseph Pelrine has spent 25 years defining and refining processes to help some of the world’s most well-known companies improve their ability to satisfy the needs of their customers. As a psychologist, his focus on people and his experience in applying leading-edge techniques from social complexity and psychology to process optimisation goes far beyond the domain of software development and extends to the whole organisation.
A respected coach, trainer, and manager, Joseph provides coaching and counselling to Agilists and their companies. He also conducts research in novel applications of psychology to agile processes, and in his free time is a PhD researcher in psychology and psycholinguistics.
Doing Agile Right
=> An agile100 presentation by Darrell Rigby of Bain & Company
Flight Levels in Action
=> Klaus Leopold about Flight Levels at agile100
Leading an Agile Transformation
=> Read about starting an Agile Transformation by Sohrab Salimi