Why am I being asked for my address?

Many trainers send a package with literature, agile tools or small goodies before the start of the training. Therefore, they ask you for an address to send these materials to when you register.
The surprises are meant to complement the training to help you get started with agile. Most of the time, there is current literature related to the content of the training in the package. This helps you after the training to deepen what you have learned and to answer questions.

If your package has not reached you by the time of the training, don't worry. The contents are an attention to you, so that you can deal more deeply with the agile work and you have the chance to collect directly after the training the first Scrum Education Units (SEUs) for the extension of your active membership in the Scrum Alliance.

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Can I change a booked date or cancel it?

If you cannot attend a training at short notice, you should call our service. See your possibilities in our service area at Agile Academy!

Photo of Sohrab Salimi

Sohrab Salimi

Scrum Academy GmbH

Sohrab is the CEO of Agile Academy. He served on the Board of Directors of the Scrum Alliance until the end of 2020. His background as a management consultant at Bain & Company, his later role as Chief Innovation Officer at SE-Consulting, and Chairman of the Board at Venture Agile, as well as his medical degree, give Sohrab a holistic perspective on people and organizations during agile transformations.